What are some elements of a product liability investigation?

Consumers purchase products with the assumption that the item in question has been adequately tested for safety. Most of the time, products perform their tasks well, causing no harm. However, there are cases in which a product does not perform its duties correct, causing injury to those using it. In these situations, a product liability… read more

Family awarded damages in a dangerous toy product liability case

Parents in Montana worry about their children being hurt in all kinds of ways, but they can usually expect that their children’s toys won’t hurt them. Unfortunately, toys aren’t always safe. Designers, manufacturers and sellers of toys sometimes negligently let potentially harmful products get into the hands of children. Sometimes, this results in tragedy. Recently,… read more

Not getting fair compensation from insurance? Let us help

With hundreds of millions of cars and other automotive vehicles travelling on American roads every day accidents do and will happen. In the majority of accidents where victims sustain injuries that are directly attributable to the negligence of either one or more parties that are involved in the accident, it is important to hire competent… read more

What is a medication error?

As pharmaceutical companies relentlessly keep pumping out new medications for any and all sorts of diseases and ailments, so too does the risk to the consumer increase from negative drug interactions. Medication errors can happen at any point to anyone at home or at a health care facility and are a type of adverse drug… read more

What you should know about the defective air bag recall

Montana residents should be interested to know that a major automotive airbag manufacturer named Takata has been the center of a major recall that has affected over 30 million automotive vehicles sold in the U.S. alone. What makes the recall so pervasive is that Takata furnishes airbags for many of the world’s leading automotive companies… read more

Is FDA doing enough to remove medical device causing harm?

Montana residents should be interested to know that, according to some doctors, the FDA may not be doing enough to recall and remove a medical device in use at hospitals which may be putting cancer patients’ lives in danger. According to media reports, in 2013 doctors became aware of a 42-year-old doctor’s cancer while they… read more

May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

Montana residents should be interested to find out that, on average, nearly 30 motorcycle riders lose their lives on Montana’s roads every year due to accidents and crashes. Over the last 10 years nearly 300 motorcyclists have lost their lives. In addition, nearly 1600 have suffered major injuries that were a result of crashes on… read more

Understanding consumer rights & product liability

Products liability refers to the culpability of any party across the chain of manufacture of a product with respect to any damage that is caused as a direct result of the use of that product. This includes not only the manufacturer of any individual component or part of a product but also the assembling manufacturer… read more

What is robotic surgery and what are its advantages?

Montana residents who may be getting surgery soon might be interested in knowing about an exciting new frontier in medicine: the burgeoning field of robotic surgery. The days of a surgeon standing over a patient for hours, while performing intricate and complex surgical maneuvers with their hands, may soon be over. Robotic surgery can be… read more

Will “speed limiters” minimize truck accidents?

Sometimes driving at a high or excessive speed may seem exhilarating and attractive, especially on Montana’s scenic highways. Still, the reality is that driver conduct involving operating vehicles at excessive speeds is not only against the law, but also dangerous. According to the American Trucking Association, speed is identified as a cause of almost 30… read more